How DataRobot's AI Innovation Shapes the Future of Business

This Fortune interview with DataRobot CEO Debanjan Saha emphasizes the significance of fostering a culture that unites people and highlights how it drives innovation.

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"The business has been around for about ten years, and we provide an end-to-end platform for our customers. We think of ourselves as a very innovative company, but it's the innovation that matters to business—innovation that truly impacts what our customers are trying to do with technology. It's not just about solving business problems but to have a long-term positive impact on society. A big part of AI is the trust in the output you generate. So, we have a lot of instrumentation for the governance of the solutions we are putting together. That means testing, validation, compliance, etc. After you do that, you have to deploy it in production, and there, you have to monitor them continuously. Everybody is excited about Gen-AI, but the real issue there is confidence. If you ask ChatGPT a question and get a funny answer, you can laugh at it. But if you are an enterprise using Gen-AI, you better ensure the output is correct. If you are not careful with that, it can undermine the trust in what you're producing, and that's not good, especially in the enterprise. There are just three things that I believe are very important for leading a company. One is having clarity concerning vision and mission because, without that, you cannot convince your team, customers, and investors about what exactly you are doing and why. I think 'why' is equally important as 'what'. The second thing that I think is important for any company, particularly for a purpose-driven company, is building a culture that brings people together. The company is about people and ideas, and that fabric is the culture. People think big; they're not concerned about taking risks. The third thing that is important to me is the execution part of it, which is about decision-making. Of course, I make some of the difficult decisions. I aim to make as few decisions as I need to, but the difficult decisions are important. However, every day in a company, you're making hundreds and thousands of decisions, and you need to empower the team so that they can make those decisions in a data-driven way, make them with high-quality judgment, and do it quickly."


DataRobot, founded in 2012, is a leader in AI and machine learning automation. Based in Boston, the company provides an enterprise AI platform that accelerates data science workflows by automating model development and deployment. DataRobot empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions, enhance productivity, and unlock the value of their data through innovative AI solutions.

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